Natural Energies Majella Ariel

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Our Services

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past Life Regression 

Access past memories to heal experiences such as fears, phobias, anxiety, repeated life patterns that seemed to have you "stuck" or "hindering" you in life in some ways.



Hypnotherapy session to help rid any unwanted behaviour or to focus on skills you would like to enhance like creativity, sports, art, psychic ability, connecting with spirit, belief in yourself, finding your life purpose, confidence, attracting your soul mate or loving relationships etc

Oracle, Tarot Readings

Oracle / Tarot Readings

Are you In Need of guidance about a certain area of your life? Do an intuitive tarot or oracle card reading to help gain clarity.

Dream Coaching

Dream Coaching

Do you have a dream that is in need of clarifying? Would you like guidance to find out what your dream is indicating and what your soul is helping you with?



Access some of the beautiful meditations to help bring you back to a mindful centred self. Give yourself the gift of time even if it is a few minutes to be still and centred. 


Reiki for Animals

Reiki for Animals! Is your pet highly stressed or suffering from anxiety issues? Have you thought about Reiki for Animals?  

5 Crystals to Access Past Life Recal

Grab your FREE Guide

5 Crystals To Access Past Life Recall


Receive regular tips and updates, starting with this free ebook today. Simply enter your email below so we know where to send it...

  • Learn which crystals can help access your past lives

  • What is Past Life Recall and How can we access it? 

  • How can accessing Past Life memory help me with life's challenges?


From My Blog

Read my most popular blog posts to help you transform your life!

Alternative Therapies, Personal Development, Self- Help, Spiritual Development, Health , Fitness, Wellbeing and more....

Listening to music to destress

Ten Tips To Reduce Stress For Busy People!

In this article, I'm going to cover a handful of tips and methods that you can implement into your every day life which will help you better deal with stress and even prevent stress from invading into your happiness.


Phobias.  Tips For Dealing With Phobias

Everyone has a fear of something. Not everyone necessarily has a phobia, though. A phobia is defined as the intense and irrational fear of an object or situation.

Emotional Overeating

Alternative Therapies For Emotional Overeating

Emotional overeating can make a person feel imprisoned - it can seem like there is no way out of the cycle of feeling sad, angry, anxious and so forth, and then eating to alleviate the emotional pain. There are treatments that are available, though - some of them conventional and some of them alternative..


Natural Energies Majella Ariel Membership

A place to come relax, breathe , find your inner soul and purpose. Come and join our free membership to utilize the tools offered to find your inner self and true purpose. A place to learn to get back to the beautiful YOU! IT'S FREE TO JOIN!

   Natural Energies -

Majella Ariel

   Free Membership!

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